My TR6 is unlicenced too...
Don't fret Barman. It's simply not taxed:
Date of Liability 01 04 1996 Date of First Registration 01 05 1973
Year of Manufacture 1973
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 2498CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Unlicensed It'll be sitting in a museum or garage somewhere, being trailored around to various classic car shows probably.
Can't you trace it through the owners club p'raps?
I think I'll join the Escort owners forum to see if i can trace my old Mk2 seeing as it's still showing on the records.
Bought 1/18th scale model of it whilst at the Coventry Motor Museum last Sunday. Same colour and 3 doors too. IT is a Ghia though, not a GL.
Looks bloody brilliant sitting on top of the telly.
Mrs Growler doesn't agree though.
TOUGH SHIT! It's staying there.