My list of cars from what i can remember.

Anglia 105E....excellent and abused
Anglia utter rotten shed that got me into loads of trouble with the plod
Mini Van 850...brilliant. Passion wagon with mattress in ther back.
Hillman Minx.....pure luxury with a bench seat
Mini Pick up (new) basic but my pride and joy being new. Kept all the riff raff out...they went in the pick up bit

Ford Cortina Mk2.... OK
Austin 1100...shed. Big ends went
Austin 1800 auto...shed. auto box failed
Hillman Hunter. used as a taxi but only kept it 2 months when the filler the MAIN dealer had put into the sills started falling out.

Threw it back at them and ended up buying a.........
....Morris Marina 1.8....used as a taxi. Did 110,000 miles in 18 months. totally reliable.
Austin 1300GT of the best and most loved cars I ever had.
Vauxhall Viva GT. ...quick but bloody thirsty
Ford Escort L 1300 Mk 2....ok
Ford Escort GL 1300 Mk 2....good and reliable
Mini Cooper....brilliant, but pig to work on. Should have kept it. Would have been an investment for my retirement.
Many others since, but decided to edit them out after consideration ..............
Christ, reading that list, it's no bloody wonder I'm skint.