Got a very thin pale blue line running vertically down the screen, and it's getting right on my tits tbh.
What is it? Is the screen goosed p'raps then? 
Been like this for weeks now, but it's not got any worse...or better.
It's a flat screen LCD thing if that helps.
Only 3 years old too ffs. 
A three-year-old screen is most likely to have given up on the pixel switching - that is changing colour on demand. It is the worst problem on LCD screens.
A few checks.
Are there any times when it is not there?
Like when the computer is starting up and Windows is not yet running or when it is closing down?
At these times Windows (bless 'em) use a default driver and not the graphics card that is in use for the rest of the time and this would show up a graphics problem.
Can you temporally connect your monitor to another computer?
If so and the problem is gone - come back for more details.
If problem is still there - monitor is hosed... Tough.