So our oh so hard working MP's are getting a 1.3% pay rise in April despite getting an increase from £67k to £74k in 2015.
Lets have a look at this a second. 1.4% of 74 grand is £1036, multiplied by 650 MP's comes to £672750
Now lets take a look at the 7 grand pay rise last year, multiplied by 650 MP's, comes to £4550000
A grand total of.............. £5,222,750 added to their salary bill in less than 2 years. Not including 'extras'.
Now lets put this into context
A newly qualified police officer earns £19,773 p/a in their first 2 years
A newly qualified nurse earns £21692 p/a in their first 2 years
A newly qualified doctor earns approximately £23000 p/a in their first 2 years
Those pay rises could have funded 264 new police officers
Those pay rises could have funded 240 new nurses
Those pay rises could have funded 227 new doctors
Or any combination thereof.
Given how clear it has been that both the front line police services as well as the NHS have been shown to be short staffed with services and coverage being cut across the board. Hell one of the biggest reasons why the NHS budget is so buggered up is that it has to fork out an absolute fortune to hire agency and locum staff at a greater cost. Just how the hell can they justify this.