I anounce to Nod that I am taking a trip oop North to pay a visit to The Boy and also a side trip to Scallypool. Nod says he fancies a visit to N Wales, so we agree on a road trip with an overnight stay.
I find some very nice super cheap student accommodation by the canal in the middle of Chester. En suite rooms and use of kitchen for £30 a night
with car parking.
We check in and are given adjacent rooms. Nod taps on my door:
How do I turn the bathroom light on?
Me: It is automatic, you just open the door.
Nod: Ooh, yes. Thanks.
We are going out
Nod: How do I turn the bathroom light off?
Me: You shut the door.
Nod: Doesn't work
I go round. The bathroom door is shut.
Me: Fine, let's go.
Nod: But the light is still on!
Me: No it's not
Nod: Look! (Opens bathroom door). The light is on!
Me: Have you got a fucking fridge