SO Nod has been taken in hand by Macmillan Nurses who offer all manner of support to cancer patients
Hismain person is Rose who came round to assess his needs
She noticed his phone and laptop and mentioned them, asking about his IT skills
Nod confessed that he was hopelessly incompetent in this field
Rose noted this and yesterday a Macmillan volunteer turned up to see Nod. He assumed she was there to help with shopping and cooking and welcomed her. She was interesting, Hong Kong Chinese doing a doctorate in IT at the university. NOd spent about an hour feeding her tea and biscuits and talking about HK and his shopping lists and showing her his kitchen cupbards
Finally she revealed she was his new regular IT tutor!!!
He said he had no need of this at which point she burst into tears, fled the house and called Rose in great distress
Nod has asked ME to call Rose to straighten out this misunderstanding! I told him to do it himself