How long will it take before everyone has tried screening the films that they think are the classics, plus the library is expanding weekly.
I just had a quick flick through their current stock and came up with a decent sized list that I'm pretty sure I can get enough tickets sold for:
Battle Royale
Blazing Saddles
Blues Brothers
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Exorcist (wish I had more time before Halloween to set that one up)
Flash Gordon (Well I had to have one guilty pleasure

Pulp Fiction
Sin City
Taxi Driver
The Dark Crystal (fond childhood memories of that film

The Evil Dead (the proper one with Bruce Campbell not the godawful remake)
The Matrix
The Shawshank Redemption
The Terminator
The Thing
V for Vendetta
They are just the ones I'm pretty confident that I could get enough tickets sold for given the student population.