Sky did cut off streaming access to their channels outside the UK from Jan 1st, they'll probably have to end all subscriptions using foreign bank/credit accounts soon and ex Pats are already having UK accounts bank and credit terminated under the no passporting agreement.
Not really...

These are people here (and no doubt elsewhere overseas) that pay €10 per month and have a Mag Box. They connect to a server somewhere which has everything - BBC, ITV, Chan4, Sky, beIN Sports, Netflix, Apple TV, etc. All illegal. None of them subscribed to Sky. Brexit really has nothing to do with it.
As for Banks, Barclays shut their overseas accounts years ago (unless you had squillions)... We'd been a customer for 40+ years but the compliance issues are just too complex. They closed our account. Compliance is the nightmare, Brexit is a side show, nothing more.
Other options are available, it really isn't an issue...