Amazing... The economy has been in the shitter for two years, businesses closing and people unemployed - and we've just lost all hope of Russian tourism for at least this season...
...yet it is racist that we're not giving jobs to the newly arrived migrants from Liberia... 
Zackly ...we have a load of spear chuckers here too.....

they do not help their cause .....yesterday in local shop about 5 all marched in no masks....the shop girl gave them new ones and did not charge ..... they then pushed people ...blocked aisles ...took stuff off shelves left it on the floor... generally loud and imtidating ...
Then to make matters worse ...driving back home ..they were on roads on e-scooter things with no lights and all over the road ....I nearly run one over ..(insert joke..not quick enough etc)......
No wonder the locals (pretty racist generally ) are up in arms .......