Not very long on Google reveals that Lidl Paphos sell Soya milk
Exactly, So many seem to want everything done for them. By the time they posted this and got a sensible reply they could have googled for themselves and been to Lidl and back. 
Why oh why do people do that...? 
There was one o the Kia forum the other day, "does anybody know what size socket I need to change the oil filter?".... 
In cases like that I can see it being down to them not having one that fits to hand and then panicking as they think it needs a special one.
I thought THAT was a fair question to ask IF you service your own car. Somehow I suspect that owner was just looking to do only the easier bits of the service - a full service without a lot of special stuff is getting very difficult nowadays. Not that I've tried obviously
I think you are both missing the point Uncle and I were making...
The point was, why do people sitting in front of a computer or with a smart phone in their hands ask questions of random strangers when they can get the answer from Google faster and more reliably...? It is almost as if the posting is the point rather than the answer...?

On our village FaceArse site people will regularly post, "Does anybody know (they always start with that

) what time Lidl opens?"
Given that new posts are moderated, they have to wait for a moderator to get out of bed and be arsed to look at the site before their question even appears... Then they rely on the likes of Sharon or Tracy to reply something along the lines of, "I don't know, but I think it is 07:30"
Whereas, if they just typed, "Lidl opening hours" into Google they'd get the answer (8am - 9pm) in (in my case) 850mS...
Why do they do it?
As for poor Ali and his oil change, he has been waiting for an answer from the Kia Forum since the 13th of July!

I bet he wishes he'd just rolled under the car with his socket set now... Or asked Google obviously...