I see that SAGE is now stating we need to have another national lockdown here until March because of the sudden rise in cases. I see a significant problem with their logic though. The PCR test for Covid currently in use works by analysing genetic data to look for a match but according to a paper released by the Lancet up to 15% of instances of the common cold are caused by members of the coronavirus family so given that we are in the cold season now I can't help but wonder what the false positive rate is.
Estimated annual proportion of cases of the common cold by viral cause:
Rhinoviruses 30–50%
Coronaviruses 10–15%
Influenza viruses 5–15%
Respiratory syncytial virus 5%
Parainfluenza viruses 5%
Adenoviruses <5%
Enteroviruses <5%
Metapneumovirus Unknown
Unknown 20–30%
At most the false positive tests are 4% Lancet Link
Current death rate is 230 a day rising 52% each week with hospital admissions over 1200 a day and rising 25% a week (see https://coronavirus-staging.data.gov.uk/ ) which rather make that at most 4% irrelevant. Just do the exponential on those numbers
Irrelevant numbers? Ok, according to the UK.gov site 308,763 tests were processed on 28th Oct with 23.065 showing positive, that makes 922 false positives at a 4% error rate. If we are processing somewhere between 6500 and 7000 false positives per week. Even in the best case scenario when there are almost as many false positive results as hospitalisations then significant resources being incorrectly allocated that could help bring the death rate down.
If you want to put it completely in context 965,640 people have tested positive to date, so at 4% thats over 38,000 incorrect results that may have drawn resources from where they were actually needed.
https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/testingNow think how many thousands of people across the country end up usually getting a cold over November, December and January. Unless the Covid-19 genome has been completely mapped and an RNA sequence specific to it and not common to the coronavirus family has been found then you are looking at a potentially massive jump in the number of false positives that will be reported over the next few months.