Boris ..intensive care .........
Indeed, not good
The only "good" that could happen is that with his high profile case ..the "unwashed" will listen ..but I sadly doubt it ........
There is no perfect outcome. If he lives, which is still the likely outcome and I truly hope he makes a full recovery soon, a lot of dumb people will see it as some sort of indication they can be reckless, if he dies then it's just a shit outcome especially for Carrie.
A mess
True ......I am arguing with religeous bigots at the mo ..on local chatroom ..say arguing ..just asked which "God to pray to ???".....
Been fun for last 20 mins ..I have informed them Lourdes is closed ..and questioned if 1.5 billion Islam followers are wrong get the idea .....
and note .....religous people are mean ..when you question them ...