This is a real
For a long time now we've had wireless weatheromenters of various forms. Started with a 1980s? Radio Shack thermometer but more recently have had 4 extra most measuring temperature, rain and wind
Well about a year ago the Radioshack one started losing its signal, changed batteries etc and eventually relocated it. Then the full weather station Mrs K got me for my 60th started to lose information. First wouldn't display rain, then no wind display and then no display of any wireless information even if I put base station and sensor transmitter next to each other. We took the base station to the tip, bye bye 60th birthday pressie
Then the Radio Shack original started going wrong again, then the two displays slaved of another set of sensors starting losing outside temperature, then wind. Finally the outside temperature one that projects temperature and time on the bedroom ceiling wouldn't find the external sensor or the radio time signal. Several days of changing sensor batteries etc no luck except in short bursts, the Radio Shack one even lost it's temperature display on the sensor
I found myself shouting it's like someone is jamming them all
So 3 O'Clock in the morning the penny dropped. Something was
The clues are all in the above. First person to spot it gets a virtual pint