Thirty billion is the amount that the government have now lent to Northern Rock – thirty farking billion!
The loan is now rapidly approaching the value of the company’s recoverable assets. The shareholders are completely farked – they will get nothing.
This government has completely farked the whole thing up – they should have bitten Virgin’s arm off when they showed any interest in the thing – too late now…
But the thing that really annoys me more than anything is that every time I sit down in front of the telly for a bit of R & R I have every charity in the world begging me for a few quid of my hard earnt to solve some crises or another. A couple of quid will educate an African child, rescue ill-treated animals, resolve child cruelty and cure cancer.
Yet the government isn’t concerned about cancer or child cruelty or people using dogs as ash-trays – the most important thing is ‘to protect the shareholders' of dead duck Northern Rock and they can’t even get that right.
And another thing – that RSPCA advert that is made up like a game show – the text you send costs £3 plus the call charge yet only £1.80 goes to charity. Where the fark does the other £1.20 go then?