A thought occurs .... can this be Berek's fault? We know him to be from the North East .... he has recently bought a football club ..... perhaps his withdrawal of funds from his piggy bank was the last straw.
Now that Northern Rock has been nationalised it means that we poor taxpayers now sponsor both Newcastle United and Newcastle Falcons RU teams. Does this mean we could soon find ourselves mixing (I was going to say hob-nobbing but thought better of it) in the same company as Berek after the match?
Yes, strange situation isn’t it? They also have some charitable trust which the government has pledged to keep on supporting…
The government is so shite at everything that a charitable trust I set up to support the homeless, etc. then Darling fucks up Northern Rock so the government has to give money to a charitable trust to step in where the government didn’t give enough money, etc. It’s like something out of The Cat in the Hat…