When various t'internet groups or people don't like a comment or it doesn't fit in with the 'culture ' of the group people are banned for being trolls . Bloody ludicrous hypocrisy
I am included on some local community FB group that are a bunch of hand wringing, curtain twitching nazi's.
Occasionally they have some useful info which is why I still persist but it is very, very,occasionally.
They are in hyper drive at the moment with the main comments always including the essential " did you report it "
Anyway one worried mouse posted something yesterday about some high level crime going on in their area - someone discarding household waste in a street litter bin . God forbid and bring back hanging !!!
Anyway a couple of cheeky chappies just commented that they didn't see anything wrong with it at least it was in the bin etc. However they had also made the cardinal sin of disagreeing with others yesterday about the fact that there were a couple of young lads behind the rugby shed having a spliff. They didn't quite jump on the " you're murdering people by not being 2 metres apart and where are their parents " campaign.
Anyways today they have been banned by the Admin for being 'trolls'.
I have never commented on anything but felt that I had to add my two penneth. They weren't being nasty to anyone they just had a different outlook /opinion.
Apparently now I have been removed