Oh noes, I'm surprisingly busy even in these times of confinement. The intermong is mucho rapido by the way.
This morning, rain so no brekkie on the terrace. Following on a video call convo with the son of my dentist to improve his English and my Spanish. In English we have many words for things that hit balls in sport - stop sniggering! A bat, a racquet, a club, a hockey stick. In Spanish they tend to use simply
un palo, a stick, unless you're bullfighting in which case there are numerous named utensils / weapons.
Then, a visit to the pharmacy to pick up my meds. This was the third visit this week since on the previous two occasions the meds hadn't been in stock. Anyway, a good excuse to get out of the house. Success this time, they've arrived - much mumbling through masks, and a greeting to someone I happen to know who's buying more hand gel.
Back home via the bakery to pick up... bread and other bits.
Lunch then snooze listening to Helena Bonham Carter being interviewed by Louis Theroux on his latest podcast...
Tax returns, both Spanish and UK

... but needs must.
Then it's suddenly wine o'clock and well, how time flies

Thanks to all the greetings!