Growing up I used to see my mum sewing, darning socks and so on and my dad fixing things around the house.
No longer! Took a duvet and pillows to a laundry this morning to get them cleaned. It was cheaper to chuck them out and go out and buy new ones!
Realised that I have done this in recent years with pooters, washers, ovens and so on.
Seems our parents' generation was more environmentally friendly than we are 
Stuff was more 'spensive then and we were poorer...

I remember my Dad repairing a pot (or kettle?

) with a mahoosive soldering iron he had borrowed rather than buying new and Mum used to make all our clothes... She used to buy a big sheet of Sheepskin, draw around our hands and make mittens in the Winter...

When the telly went wonky (often) the man from Radio Rentals used to come and change a valve...
But yes, now you are right, if the wishdosher packs up it is cheaper to buy a new one (which is miles better) than get the repair man out or try and buy bits for it...