Oh dear. The builders arrive on Monday. All they are doing is fixing one wall in one room. The room has the normal number of walls (4). I suiggested we should move everything from one side of the room to the other to give the builders a clear space to work in.
Oh no. We have to pack EVERYTHING in the room away. This includes: 1 piano, the 13 boxes with the new dining thingy in them, 1000 books (boxes to be had from Tesco), about half a ton of Mrs Nick's tat, another dining table, a telly we haven't switched on for 10 years (dump) and other miscellaneous tat. I have no idea where all this stuff is supposed to go. Do I really have to put the piano in the kitchen?
The builders will be here for 3 days, at the end of which everything will have to be returned to its original location
pending the arrival of carpet layers (October) when IT WILL ALL HAVE TO BE MOVED AGAIN (twice)
Why can't we just cover stuff in dust sheets?
Oh and I forgot. Whole stereo system with wall mounted speakers and associated wiring