How does one small act turn into a costly nightmare ?

It's turning into the dIY version of 'There was an old lady who swallowed a fly'

So yesterday we fitted a new bathroom light after the new shower and flooring had been put in

Obvs had to turn off mains leecy
Lighted fitted - turn leccy back on - works grand

Clean up and go to cook some dinner
Error code showing on the built in induction hob
try the normal disconnect from supply leave for 30 seconds and reconnect - no joy

Check forums and the like for the E1 code which seems to suggest the control board is buggered

Get takeaway
This morning try all previous steps that didn't work yesterday again - on the just in case laws of science
Quelle surprise - no joy
Remove seal from around induction hobs and lift out unit
The lad fiddles about with wiring - still no joy.
Look at costs of replacement
Get more frustrated as it appears size installed is non standard
Start exploring if we could expand size of hole to install slightly larger ones that seem to be the norm now
Corian worktops and units below do not seem able to accommodate this
Start to discuss kitchen refurb

We only changed a light