Here's another candidate. An associate professor of Sociology has written an article saying that the Alien and Predator franchises represent anti black racism. Well bugger me, I always thought that they were just enjoyable franchises with a few good films in them not a mechanism of reinforcing racism.........................oh wait a minute, they aren't.
The short answer is that we are dealing with a culture of domination. It is a culture that thrives on the sexualized demonization of Black people. Two examples of this are Ridley Scott’s Alien, which comports with the trope of Black women as alien breeders and Predator, written by brothers Jim and John Thomas, that riffs on images of Black men as dreadlocked, violent and superhuman.
So you are saying that because the Predator has something that resembles dreadlocks but clearly isn't hair then it has been designed to represent black men to reinforce racism in society? I thought that academics were supposed to know how to do research. The black community doesn't have the historical monopoly on Dreadlocks, they have been represented in a number of civilisations and cultures from ancient history including examples Greece, Indian holy men not to mention the Vikings. This image is from a fresco from Akrotiri, Greece (now known as Santorini) dated as being from 1500-1600 BCE. Oh look...............dreadlocks.

The predator films are about the glory of the hunt not the threat of the black man. Also I'm guessing you never bothered to actually watch any of these films because the lead actor in Predator 2 was DANNY GLOVER.
Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise, with its vicious and endlessly breeding carbon black alien mother, came at the height of neoliberal experiment and in the U.S. especially, an all-out assault on Black people. In the context of anti-Black culture, the film signifies the Black woman as an unkillable and ceaselessly breeding alien who threatened the body politic. In terms set by historian Lothrop Stoddard’s white supremacist 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color, a Black woman’s sexual reproduction is imagined to signal the genetic extinction of the white republic.
Yes the Xenomorph is a dark colour in almost every film (apart from the proto alien in Covenant) but that is because when Giger designed the alien for the original film he worked in his primary style which is monochrome and because Ridley Scott liked the look and saw how it would be able to blend into the scenery it carried across into the creature itself. It was not a representation of anyone from native African roots. Not to mention the fact you are trying to justify a ludicrous position by using a book written 100 years ago when there were significant differences in society compared to today.
Unkillable ceaselessly breeding alien? When people think of for example Candace Owens, Zoe Saldana, Noemi Lenoir to name but a few those of us who are normal see:

You would have to be either seriously deranged or have a really disturbing fetish to see this instead: