So me and The Man had to go to out local registration office today for an appointment to do this Notice to Marry nonsense and pay £70 for the privilege

So after we have to be interviewed individually to confirm this is not a sham marriage or part of a modern day slavery ring ( although I'm sure The Man was tempted to whisper "help me" in his interview

) we have to go through this nonsense of confirming my fathers details and occupation

My biological father has been gone for many , many years and to be honest I hardly knew him. It was my mother that bought me up and I really resent the fact that his name would be put on any future certificates because it is on my birth certificate.
How does this process remain unchanged when the government has to ensure equality and inclusion in all practices ( allegedly )? Surely there should at least be a choice that not only potentially includes mothers but step parents , adoptive parents etc. This should have been amended at the same time as civil partnerships etc were introduced