So werk is just ridonculous right now.

Apart from our normal work my team are having to 'adjust' and also become Covid Marshalls ( with all the extra capacity they have )

and contact tracers . In addition to this the Clownshool have also set up an 'enquiry line' for covid concerns.
Basically a whingers batphone

2 of the referrals today ...from apparently 'normal people ' that they somehow think are Covid related
- a wumman wants to know where she can teach children in a Covid 'safe' place. Oh she goes on to say can the Clownschool provide the space ( free of course as this is a community service )

. Oh can we advertise her private tuition fees to prospective parents

, oh can we ensure regular cleaning regime for this fantasy space ( that the Clownschool will fund of course)

- a bloke rings up. He and his son have come over from America several months ago for football trials . 1st was for Birmingham but he wasn't successful. 2nd was for Brighton . However he now has a problem with his bank card and hotel are refusing them further accommodation.

What can the clownschool do to help ?

Asked if he had contacted his bank but he said they were being 'difficult ' and couldn't we just provide some accommodation free of charge whilst he sorts this out so he is not exposed to Covid

I need a lottery win