I am currently Here, (having just returned from a few mile walk around the ground of local Historic house, not even taken my walking boots off yet.)
Proof reading minutes from one meeting to sent out today.
Working on newsletter. Deleting the Charge of the Light Brigade and substituting our winter talks instead.
Collecting and compiling orders for local Food Co-op
Preparing fax for wholesalers for Wednesdays delivery of Food Co-op.
Writing out a wedding card
Preparing envelopes for those members of the committee who do not have e-mail so that I can send out minutes and agendas by snail mail.
Serving brunch and coffee and pills to other half.
Fending off phone calls from 3 phones.
Dealing with faxes.
Waiting for the washing machine to spit one lot out so I can get another lot in.
Just about to go over to local school to collect their orders for food co-op and pick up 4 reusable gift baskets donated last week as prizes to Junior and Infant school (to encourage fruit eating amongst kids who do not eat fruit).
Slow cooker havening day off as smoked Salmon has been requested for dinner.
Dealing with e-mails re Local Partnership meetings
Dealing with e-mails re this mornings walk, (many people unable to attend as M-way was closed again because of accident at 03h00)
Working on a draft constitution for a new group.
Preparing for policy meeting on Friday, lots of reading.
Trying to contact Landlady to arrange to meet up for a drink.
So Mr smarty pants... don't you tell me women cannot multi-task.