So are we sitting comfortably ....
Tonight we had a wedding as per normal they were 1st dance and 2 "family bride dad etc "...after 1st dance a ...
ethnically challenged .? man came up and said ..."What is this crap music ? " ...I politely explained that these were the "Family " dances and after that we would take requests as normal ....this is standard wedding procedure ........
Oh noes ..."SO BECAUSE I AM BLACK , I CAN'T BE FAMILY ? !!!! " .....
Firstly Bride n Groom were Welsh (broad) , he was Southern accent with a tinge of "Nigerian Prince"...and it had F**K all to do with colour/race/sex/age ....
......he then announces that he was going to get his phone to plug in , (for some good tunes
) ....I let him get his phone ...I then politely ask if his phone has an earphone/headphone plug in ...
Now from experience the newer phones do not have this , I summised he would have the latest i-phone etc ..(most drug dealers do
)...he spent 10 mins checking for a headphone point ..
(NB ..we have 3 adaptors that plug-in to charging port of most major makes that enable us to plug in phones our system ..for nice people
So finally he requests 3 songs ...the 1st cleared the dance floor ...
the 2nd had them smoking outside ..I never played the 3rd....
After we played normally and requests from other guests ...the dancefloor was full all night ....