And far from these imagined 'the government will use this an excuse for some control of the people' paranoia this is actually what they're saying:
Well, they've done it quite recently actually so it isn't our imagination is it...? Time will tell if they'll use MonkeyPox to do it all over again won't it...?
My guess is, "yes"...
No they did not
They reacted appropriately to a chronically overloaded NHS and 1,000+ a day dying of Covid despite Icke. Piers Corbyn and a few nutters saying it was all imagined..
You forgot to add 'IMHO' to your reply... 
Sweden and other countries would beg to differ they acted appropriately...
And I think 'with Covid' might be more appropriate than 'of Covid'... Sending Covid positive patients back into care homes with the near-end-of life elderly wasn't the most brilliant plan was it...? What was the average age of death of Covid patients?
Still, as I said... Time will tell if that was a one off or not...
Sweden tried voluntary lockdown it worked for a while because Swedes aren't shitheads like too many Brits. But they ended up with an appalling case and death rate than comparable nations and of course compulsory lockdown
The death with Covid story is an illusion. Unless there was a dramatic tendency for people testing positive to fall under buses, get cancer or have heart attacks then when 1401 people were reported dead of Covid on 22 January 2021 and a 7 days rate of 1,240 a day the most that could be 'death with Covid' was just 30 leaving a daily rate of over 1,200 dead from Covid
And same day 38,420 Covid patients were clogging up our hospitals including 3,721 at death's door on ventilators