I'm taking a wait and see approach at the moment but I may end up moving to a linux phone eventually.
Like buying a Betamax after VHS had dominated.
Like I said, wait and see. But something tells me that the modular design of some of the compatible phones combined with the ability to easily update or even swap to another distro depending on your requirements may appeal to a portion of the market.
I think the issue is it takes a mass market to fund the R&D to get all the goodies into what really are remarkably small packages. And with all those existing Apps in the Apple and Google stores they're going to be like that massive VHS film stocks drove the much superior Betamax (and V2000) into oblivion. Microsoft failed to make phones work for them.
FWIW I can't see Apple beating out Android forever either unless they stop locking their iOS to their hardware. The Google business model is better.