Being obliging is now under review, and that's against my nature. I gave my mobile number to a man who rents the local hall like I do in case he got into difficulties setting the alarm. Last night took the biscuit when he called on the landline since I'd turned the mobile off.
"Hi, can you come round... the alarm's going off .. !!"
"No. Out of the question. I'm eating dinner."

"Please... can't you put it back in the oven?" (

"No. I'm eating. What's the problem?"
"The alarm's going and I can't remember the numbers, and.. oh shit..."
"Well, phone the admin chap. He's only down the road"
"No, I can't do that... he gets really cross... " (

I go through the sequence of operations and sure enough the alarm is set.
"Hey, that's it... the noise has stopped!"
"Yes Frank. The alarm is set. Ok?..... Frank?..... Frank?......"
At this point the phone goes dead. Not so much as an effin' thank you!

This morning I realised he'd left messages on my mobile running into double figures... no message... just the alarm going off in the background