They are going to clean the hospitals ~ not an ordinary clean but a "Deep Clean". So what the f*ck have they been doing with the mops and buckets for the last ten years?
As an add on to this
Big Idea Mr Brown intends that we, the patients, will be given a greater say in who treats us and where that treatment will be carried out.
What utter twaddle.
Let me tell you Mr Brown what you should be doing to correct the mistakes you have made.
1) Get rid of at least 75% of NHS managers ~ they are a drain on the budget and are only interested in their own careers. They do not give a sh*t for the patients who they view not as vulnerable, scared and sick people but as inconvenient "customers" who clutter up their nice surgeries and hospitals with nasty illnesses that cost money to cure.
2) Stop telling nurses how wonderful they are now that they have a "Degree" and go back to the basics according to Florence Nightingale ie Caring for the patients, ensuring that the sick are clean, comfortable and feel looked after.
3) Stop training doctors from and for third world economies and recruit only those who can speak English fully and properly ie those that have been born and educated in the UK. I am tired of trying to explain to some Asian/African/Middle European second year medical student the nuances of English as the natives here speak it.
4) Above all stop fvcking about with people's health. It is too important to us. We have paid and continue to pay heavily for the service and it has been getting worse whilst you sat there having Big Ideas. Why has it taken ten years to think of it you arse?