You'll have to finish your mailling first Wenchy 
Plus another 20 odd years of being a wage slave. 
I was tempted to ask if you clean your lists before mailshotting them but I get the impression my life expectanct would be less than a kamikaze pilot's 
Huh! That'd be the day....
Dear Mr. Wilson.
We once again have to apologise for writing to offer our newest product. It appears that the previous - ahem - correspondence regarding your death in 1987 didn't quite make it to our busy mailing department.
We assure you that every effort will be made to avoid troubling you again. However, given the fact that we are very busy people and information does occasionally slow down on the rounds, we would ask you to disregard any further communications from us for the next year - or so.
We value our customers and always put them first... etc.,