The Time Traveler's Wife / Audrey Niffenegger
Anyone read this???? It took me a couple of days to get round the author's surname and into the first few chapters. Now still part-way through but it's fascinating!!! A love story (not yuk style!!!) where Henry time travels. . . . arriving nude. . . . . meeting his wife (present) as a child (past) back to the present. . . . etc etc etc. eeek:
Question. . . . where would you go if you could time travel? Rememer you can't change history EVEN if you wanted to!!!! rubschin:
Fabulous book loved it! There aren't many books that make me cry but that one did!
I'd go back to the Summer before my Dad died and actually speak to him mend fences and what have you.
Other than that, 1993/94/95 damn fine years any would do.
Hi Bar Wench. . . thanks for the recommendation. Time's a bit short at the moment, so haven't got much further with the book, but will remember to have the tissue box to hand! cry: