Buy a "proper" landy and you can fix anything with a box of spanners and a screw-driver. The new ones are not "Real" landies . Sell it and get a series 111 or summin . you know it makes sense .
A 111? Never heard of him tbh. Do you mean a 110?
It's all very well you ranting on about them, just like they all do on the LR forums, being easy to fix etc etc., but I'm not a mechanic.
They are on their own admission, very poorly built out of recycled dog shite, the Russian version of old Corn Flake packets, all held and 'glued' together with Romanian tramps toss and 2nd hand blue tac.

Great off road when they are actually running, but a total and utter disaster on road.
I wouldn't even attempt to put an ad' behind the bar for it.
Would even feel guilty taking it down to the scrappy tbh.