I have been wondering. So where goes it from here?

They say he may awake with some brain damage, he may awake with some or total memory loss, he may awake a vegetable, he may never wake. Whatever, with the exception of the last option, he looks likely to have a long period of rehab but the Docs say they simply have no way of knowing until they finally bring him round what the damage is. When they tried to bring him our of the coma last weekend he had breathing difficulties and his temperature rose alarmingly so they put him back under immediately and are keeping him that way until the judge it safe to decrease the meds and let him start to wake up. They say that he has youth on his side and that by keeping him under he has a better chance of his brain rebuilding itself.
The situation is not helped by family disputes between his divorced parents about who has the rights to make decisions. Swiss law is, I am told, very difficult about this. The father is Swiss, Mother is English (though has lived in Switzerland for getting on for 18 years and by dint of the marriage and despite divorce has two passports). The lad and his sister have dual nationality but the Swiss claim precedence as they were born in Switzerland and have lived there all their lives.
Thanks everyone for all the good wishes.