It's all that crawling around under desks, isn't it! One of the few perks of being in IT.
Reminds me of when I was a sprog with IBM. Job title was Customer Engineer - in reality it meant running round various clients fixing their punch and verifier machines.
Now, this was in the days before PCs and cheap memory - all programming and data entry was by the old punched card. Data that needed to be entered was punched by young lovelies in a large pool - much like a typing pool. Then, to eliminate errors (
) the same data was entered by the verifier girls. These machines shone a light at the cards, looking for holes and comparing what it found with the data typed by said young (and some not so young) lovelies.
Favourite job, when fault finding verifiers, was checking the bulb which involved crawling under the front of the machine (it was built something like a desk with inset keyboard and machinery above in a grey (always) case.
On numerous occasions, young lovely would just scoot back her chair while I crawled under the machine. One memorable day, I was down under (so to speak) checking out the bulb, when I happened to glance over my shoulder to behold one of the nicest bearded clams I have seen in many a year.
Unfortunately, I was too young and naive to realise that this was probably deliberate and I could, in all probability, been on to a winner.
Ahhh, the benefits of getting older/wiser. If I could go back to being that age, knowing what I know now, I'd have a field day!