How many sofas does one home containing two people need and what is the female equivalent of willy waving????
Oh ~ we have three. One in the lounge and two in the sitting room. We also have two dining tables ~ one in the dining Room and one in the garage whence it resides awaiting those summer days that come round once in a blue moon and we eat outside. Oh and 12 dining chairs.
See Mrs Nick isn't the only one with more furniture that bums to put on it.
We had 2 sofas, then as we got older, and found them to be less suited to our needs, we decided that nice comfy recliners were the way to go, so we now have 4 reclining arm chairs instead. (it was going to be 2, it evolved into 4, long story). 1 large dinging table with very comfy chairs, one smaller kitchen table & chairs and as yet no outdoor garden table, have not found a use for one yet. Bistro (Kitchen ) table and chairs are easy to carry outside if and when the occasion arises, once in the last 18 months so far.