I'm taking one Monday.
My boss hasn't completed a full week since finding out she was pregnant 4 months ago. Excuses have included, i kid you not:
Swollen Ankles 3 days
Antenatal Swimming Class 2pm leaves X 6
Scans (5 to date bloody papparazzi)
Midwife Appoitment (4 hiurs weekly)
Stomach Complaints (It feels like it's getting bigger)
Feeling Sick (then admitting on phone that she was getting no rest because someone was fitting carpets)
Blurred Vision
In the time she has been in she's questioned my attitude (and was told to f off in front of 12 of both of our inferiors) and failed to submit my overtime for two months running. She also failed to carry over 4 of my holidays, hence sicky!
P.S to further my defence I work for a big faceless organisation and most work involves taking delivery of shite, duplicating and passing onto next muppett, 75% of the people don't need to be there anyway!!!