It's why acrylic and nylon were invented! If Mr Wench insists on buying 100% cotton shirts he can iron the damn things himself!
Not sure where my iron is either, and I keep meaning to throw the ironing board out every time I find it again. When we were a family of several white cotton shirts each day, for school and work etc., fine, but now we are retired, it ain't going to happen. Even my mum says life is too short.
Now I have to admit that I am a real sad git then who whilst I don't like ironing still do it because one
of my favourite treats is getting into freshly ironed pure cotton sheets
In fact IF, which is unlikely, I ever won the lottery, or some other similar event which allow me to spend money in a fashion I would like to become acustomed to (which ain't ever likely to happen) my first TREAT would be to have frashly ironed cottom sheets on my bed EVERYDAY. This luxury would also, obviously, included someone unmaking and remaking the bed every day too. Does this make me