It went something like this...
Pastis: So, what's with the pointy hat?
Najib Girl: It's Halloween party time
P: So, what's Halloween about then?
NG: I don't know, can you tell me?
P: I don't know. I'm not a Christian.
NG: <whispers> Neither am I. I'm Muslim.
P: I gathered that
NG: So, what are you then?
P: I'm a Buddhist
NG: <swiping bar codes on Merlot> Oh really?
P: Or perhaps a Daoist?
NG: Oh!
P: Yes. They're allowed to drink. Some of them drink a lot... always falling off carts and into lakes...
NG: So, no Halloween Party?
P: No. Definitely not.
NG: Well, I like the hat. It's fun
P: Yes. It suits you. It goes with all the black... er...
NG: My Najib?
P: Exactly.
And with that I paid and disappeared into the dusk...