It all started once upon a time, a long, long time ago...
We decided to redecorate the whole house...
In our bathroom we had a huge shower thingy which had a steam whatsit and radio, lights, etc. It was ghastly.
I suggested that before we decorate, we could hoik out the shower thingy and remove it from the house without worrying about damaging the walls, etc. It would also be easier to decorate the bathroom of course.
LL vetoed the idea on the grounds of cost.
So verily, I decorated the bathroom, moving the shower around to get behind it above it etc.
I then decorated the bedroom, landing and stairwell...
Then LL decided that the shower had to go after all.
So I had to dismantle the thing yesterday and take extreme care to move it out of the house and into the back of the truck without damaging my new paintwork.
Then I drove it to the tip and threw it off the back whereupon it smashed into a trillion pieces.
Now we are shopping for shower replacement which will of course have to be manoeuvred past all my new paintwork.