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Re: UK 'exporting emissions' to China
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2007, 11:28:19 AM »
That will never happen. Much more likely will be the idea to employ, at great public expense, an army of jobsworth Arse-Wipes (complete with cameras for photographic evidence) whose sole task will be to wipe your arse when necessary. Can't have you doing it yourself, after all, you might get hurt falling off the lavvy seat. H&S rules will preclude self wiping.

A valid point! happ096

Another big plus will be for the mossies - they are supposed to adhere to all kinds of strict rules as to how and with which hand.

Muslim toilet ettiquette is first class entertainment! Here are the rules from Wikipedia:

    * Say before entering the toilet: In the name of Allah, O Allah! I seek refuge with You from all offensive and wicked things (Al-Bukhaaree)
    * One should enter the toilet with the left foot and leave with the right foot.
    * It is not permissible to enter the toilet whilst carrying or wearing anything bearing the name of Allah, such as the Quran, or any book with the name of Allah in it, or jewelry such as bracelets or necklaces engraved with the name of Allah.
    * One should remain silent whilst on the toilet. Talking, answering greetings or greeting others is forbidden.[2]
    * One should not face nor turn your back on Al-Qiblah whilst relieving yourself.[3]
    * One should be out of sight of people when going to the toilet
    * It is considered forbidden to relieve oneself whilst standing up, lying down or if you are completely nude.[citation needed]
    * One should avoid going to the toilet anywhere where people may take rest or gather for any purpose.
    * Do not raise clothes until you get close to the ground and do not uncover the body any more than is needed.
    * One should sit on the feet (e.g. squat) keeping thighs wide apart with the stress on the left foot.
    * Do not look to the private parts of the body nor the waste matter passed from the body.
    * Do not sit more than needed.
    * Do not spit, blow nose, look hither and thither, touch the body unnecessarily nor look towards the sky but relieve oneself with the eyes downcast in modesty. [citation needed]
    * After relieving oneself it is essential to perform Istinjaa (washing with water) of the anus and/or genitals with the left hand and water. The precise mode of performing Istinjaa has also been defined by religious leaders: "At the beginning of Istinja, it is preferable to use toilet paper three times. If Istinjaa is being done on a hot day, then the person should start from the front to the back and then from the back to the front and the third time from the front to the back. If Istinjaa is being done on a cold day, then he should begin from the back to the front. After wiping, he should wash his hand first and then he should cleanse himself with two fingers and three fingers if necessary together with ‘pouring’ water. When using the two fingers, one should keep the middle finger in front and the ring and index finger behind it. After beginning with the fingers in this position, he should bring the ring finger forward and rub with the middle finger and ring finger. Thereafter, he will wipe with the index finger, if necessary. He should continue until all the impurity and smell is removed. The left over water after Istinjaa is paak only if there is no impurity in it." (Mufti Ebrahim Desai) And further: "To wash the orifice with water, even though no filth is stuck to it after relieving oneself, is desirable. If the filth is sticking to it (less than a Dirham or equal to it) then the use of water is 'Sunnah' (optional) and in the case the filth stuck to the orifice is more than a Dirham then its washing with the water is 'Fard'. (obligatory)" Islamic Academy
    * Other than toilet paper, water and the left hand Istinjaa can be performed with earth, grit, stones and worn-out cloths provided they are all clean. It is forbidden to perform Istinyaa with bone, any edible item, dry dung, baked brick, potsherd, coal, fodder, writing paper and anything which has even a small value.
    * After this process the hands should also be washed.
    * When leaving the toilet one should also say a prayer, "Praise be to Allah who relieved me of the filth and gave me relief."[4]

If the muslims are right, I'm going to hell on several counts!  ;D

One must assume that most devout Muslims are also constipated, which could explain a lot!
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Re: UK 'exporting emissions' to China
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2007, 01:01:35 PM »
Wenchy, it's not some sort of irrational blind loyalty, but a recognition that certain parties represent certain core voters and ideologies that aren't going to change overnight. Unless they're incredibly naive, people don't go out and vote BNP based on the strength of their election manifesto, because they know their hidden agenda is the destruction of democracy and civil liberties. As we have seen with New Labour, for all the Tory-esque policies on crime and foreign affairs, they have still pursued the core Labour agenda of tax and spend and the welfare state. Likewise, with the Tories, they can't be trusted not to look after the rich and the English home counties at the expense of the rest of the UK, with all the division, despondency and crime that accompanies.

As far as I am concerned, the party who will look after my financial interests are Labour, but being ideologically libertarian I can't bring myself to vote for a party that treats its own citizens like naughty children, who need to be told what's best, put on a database and spied on.

Ahh but you see that arguement makes sense. Many labour voters don't. It isn't an ideological choice because labour best represent them, clearly labour does represent you. However, when it doesn't why continue to vote for them simply because that is what you have always done?

They may not have considered it in terms of core ideologies, but that is certainly what it boils down to Wenchy. As working class folk, they feel connected to - and trust - the Labour party. They have always voted labour, so why would they want to change?

YVMV but I've never met anyone who "votes Labour cos I've always voted Labour" who would be better represented by another party.