Now forgive me if I do this all wrong as I am a newbie to all of this. . . . . but having read all the posts regarding humiliating fathers (a large majority of which have made me titter at my PC!), I feel I need to post a response (feeling a little bit nervous and vulnerable about this, so be gentle with me! ::)).
Personally, I am immensely proud of my Dad and on the occassions that I've been out with him or he with me (even when he has been totally sh*t-faced) he has never humilated me. . . . . perhaps made me laugh out loud at his drunken dancing, but never humilated me!!!
My mother on the other hand. . . . . . . . . well, pole dancing down at my local night club to Frankie Goes to Hollywood "Relax" is certainly an experience (I'm probably just jealous as she was better than I was!!!)