So it's war is it?
Before you go nuclear, can you just explain this "Sawing a Turd" emoticon you used earlier?
Kebab ~ usually foolishly eaten after too much beer leading to hang-overs
I'd have thought that, given your medical problems, the last thing on your mind would have been kebabs! Work of the devil for the most part. I've only ever had one decent kebab in the UK and that was in Holland Park somewhere with a mate some years back. And no, I wasn't pissed before someone mentions it - I know that's usually a pre-requisite for kebabs, but on this occasion I was hungry and it was recommended.
Good Lord ~ I haven't eaten one for years ..... come to that I've had just one glass of red wine and one glass of champagne in the past two years. On both occasions I felt unwell after drinking them ~ due I suspect to the valium/alcohol mix.
I did, however, have an illness free younger life once ....... a loooooooooooooooong time ago now