I have held for the past 2 years Court of Protection registered enduring power of attorney for my Mum - her local HSBC bank have had certified copy of this important document for the same time frame.
When Dad died last year I visited the local branch and re-confirmed all details (including the fact that I would be living in CY not the UK) and thought everything was established and aok - more fool me!
Funds on deposit have somewhat increased recently (due to having sold the family home to fund Mum's care costs) and the bank have been very happy for the past year to accept instructions from me via EMAIL (very important point this one) to float funds on and off the money market and such stuff.
Today I wanted to send a TT payment as an early Xmas pressie from my Mums account to my sister in NZealand - guess what the *******'s are now telling me that they CAN'T accept this instructions from me on email and to do this I should have had Mum set up a additional security pass number for me just for TT's BEFORE her marbles went.
Basically I have told them SORT IT or I will by moving the TOTAL acccount