With this bit of the pub is that so few of us know owt about motors.
I mean ~ we all Well nearly all) drive them and stuff but having told everyone what we have owned in the past and currently drive ~ what's left to say?
I mean, cars just go nowadays. You start your journey with every expectation of completing it. Not like in the old days when we could parrot on forever about the breakdowns en route, the punctures, the brake failures. These things just don't happen anymore.
P'raps we could have a bitch about motorway services but that's been done to death.
F1 is, to many of us, just a case of follow the leader nowadays and rallying really doesn't seem as exciting either. Probably good fun to do but it doesn't make for good TV.
Sorry but that's me on cars ..... the only difference I can see between most "Average priced modern cars" is which side you put the fuel in. Makes a big difference at Sainsburys if you get in the wrong lane and find the pump nozzle wont stretch far enough and you have to ask the 15 people lined behind you to back up a bit so you can reverse out and then drive to the other side of the pump ~ dare not drive forward or the attendant will report you for driving away without paying 'cos they've got you on CCTV taking the nozzle and thus starting the pump, then replacing the pump and driving forwards out of the filling station. It's a worry.