Work is progressing but in my position as tea maker, supervisor, keeper out of children from sticky stuff that the nice man in the kitchen has in a large bucket whilst fielding the other little boy from annoying the nice man in the bedroom who also has a bucket of (different) sticky stuff, payer of bills, receiver of a load of logs for the winter store etc etc .... time is not my own at the moment. Additionally I have a sore throat and pounding headache that would suggest a cold working its way into my system. The men have gone now. Tiler is returning tomorrow morning at an unspecified time but before lunch to do the grouting and replace two window sills. Decorator is returning in the morning to finish rubbing down some filler and then the tiler will be (hopefully) finished and the decorator will p*ss off until Monday.
That is the update ~ the answer to the question about tomorrow morning is, I'm afraid, contained therein.