Well I've just started 'ripping' some cd's, but trying to select certain tracks only.
The bloody thing WON'T stop though. It just carries on rippin' every useless track that i don't want.
What am i doin' wrong then?
Let it carry on and then delete the ones you don't want.
I might mention that after ripping a CD you then need to convert the HUGE CD track into a very much smaller MP3 file.
Bottom line you can store tens of CD tracks against hundreds or even thousands of MP3.
Avoid iPods like the plague. also avoid white earphones. People think you have an iPod and will follow you home to nick it.
I agree with Uncle and place the Creative Zen at the head of the list. That said, my PDA cost £250 and does all that and computer stuff and sat-nav as well, with a few SD add-on cards of several gigabytes you can take ALL your music if you want. They usually have a docking station to charge them and exchange data with the computer and you can rig them to main self-powered speakers or bluetooth to your car stereo. good from my POV because with external SD cards you can mix-n-match and don't lose everything if it breaks or walks.
A domestic quality hi-fi uses .25" jacks Common Hi-Fi 3.5mm and PDA/Players usually 3.5mm or sometimes 2.5mm which is a pain. as you'd need two adaptors three inches long.
More technical stuff if required...
Certain Mobile phones do that too but are short on battery life.