After watching Martin Lewis earlier this week , about saving money when shoppin', I've decided to give his advice a go.
Instead of buying the usual well know brand stuff, that we all apparently unwittingly yearn for, I've gone for Asdas own where possible, or even their 'Smart Price' grub.

So now it's testing time.

Wenchy would like this bit. Biscuit testing.

Asdas Smart Price Jaffa cakes. 29p for 12.
Are these made by McVities, cus they taste exactly the same to me. Brilliant!

Smart Price 'Nice' and choc chip cookies/biscuits. Identical to well know brand imo for half the price.

Just cleaned me teeth with Asdas own brand tooth paste, and whilst it doesn't taste the same as the usual suspects, Colgates etc., it does what it sez on the cleans your teeth. Adequate for me, but there will no doubt be complaints from GROWLERS' jnrs.

I'm just going to go and have a good scrub with Asda Smart Price soap now @ 6p a bar.
It's probably got conc.sulpuric acid in it, so it'll save me having to have a shave with Smart Price shaving foam!

Yet to try: Asdas own tinned fruit and butty spreads, including a chicken one that is Smart Price. I'll make two buttys for mini moose using both brands to see if she can tell the difference.
I could, to the tune of 15p a bottle.
Asda Smart Price own baked beans? I'm fully expecting these to taste like shite tbh,

as Heinz...the best imo, DON'T make beans for anyone else apparently.
I'm currently running 1 car on bio diesel which is 50% normal diesel apparently, @ 80p a litre, and the Landy on 50% bio, and 50% Asdas own veggy oil @ 60p a litre, 48p a litre when I'm, passing Costco/Orbro.
The Landy has been running sweetly on this mix for 6 months now without missing a beat. Even the recently changed fuel filter was clean, after reading all the hype about them getting clogged up more rapidly.
Never knew saving dosh could be so interesting.