You certainly are. The emoticon problem is known to us as emoticana desperosis. Whilst not life threatening it can cause the sufferer to garnish their posts with excessive or inappropriate emoticons. I suggest you eschew emoticon use for one week and then ration yourself severely thereafter
I'm not sure I suffer emoticana desperosis when posting, but this was in a conversation - i.e. i was talking to somebody and said 'biting nails emoticon'.
I'm not sure you have listened to a word I have said...
Symptoms of emoticana desperosis are leaking from your pub life to your other life. The cure starts with emoticon rationing here, which is what I told you to do. I was also, I must say, surprised to learn that you participate in face to face humanoid interactions at all. The world of the interweb thingy affects us all in ways we do not always realise. I am sometimes miseld, for example, by the avatars of people I meet on the interweb who turn out, for example, not to be actual animals when I meet them. This is occasionally disappointing.
Go forth and watch your Ps and Qs.