At about 10.20 one Sunday evening, in the days when I ran a pub, a man came into the bar and ordered a "Britvic" orange juice. He watched me ring it on the till and complained loudly that he could buy a litre of Orange Juice in the local Waitrose for less than I charged him for a small bottle. He became quite offensive in fact DEMANDING that I justify the price to him. I must have been in a good mood because I explained, quite politely, that supermarkets had a different buying policy and were able to negotiate cost prices far below what any wholesaler would give me in return for my order of 36 bottles of orange juice per week. He still ranted on about me being a robber and a cheat.
Egged on by my regulars I then explained that if indeed he could persuade Waitrose to sell him his small bottle of orange juice, at 10.30 pm on a Sunday, pour it into a glass for him, provide him with a table at which to sit whilst he consumed it, a carpet for him to traipse his muddy shoes all over, an ash tray for his cigarette ash, a musician playing in the corner for his entertainment and above all get the proprietor to stand and listen to his stupid remarks then and only then would he be welcome to return.
He got very stroppy at this point so I pointed him in the direction of the door. he refused to leave DEMANDING to know what rights I had to tell him to leave. I was about to explain the law regarding licensed premises and my right to evict him from them when two of the local Rugby team appeared at his side. Stupidly he asked them if they thought I had any reason to throw him out. "Oh yes" replied our team captain "he can tell you to leave because you are pissing
me off" and they picked him up and ran for the door. Another member of the club opened the door just in time and the now ex-customer flew through the air until he hit the wall on the far side of the car park.
He returned the next day with a policeman and 36 members of the local community swore blind he had never set foot in the place.
The reason for telling you all this? ~ I don't give a toss what supermarkets charge because if I want to go to the pub that is where I will go. It has nothing to do with price.