You got and held down a job with Securitas for almost a year and a half despite using a false ID to hide your 129 convictions? Just when I think the justice system cant become anymore of a joke something new always turns up. 
A man with a long criminal record who used a false identity to gain a job at Bristol Magistrates' Court has been sent to jail for 15 months.
Christopher Morris, 35, of Parade Court, Speedwell, Bristol, held down his job with Securitas for 17 months - despite having 129 convictions.
During that time he went on a further crime spree to feed his drug habit, Bristol Crown Court heard.
Judge Lester Boothman heard Morris also admit 12 additional crimes.
Hot oil threat
David Maunder, prosecuting, told the court Morris had used stolen credit cards last year to attempt to buy electrical goods from Currys at Fishponds and Avonmeads and a Boots store in Cheltenham.
Morris later attacked his former partner, Tracey Williams, at his home in March this year.
Mr Maunder said the couple had split up after a three-year romance and were attempting a reconciliation when Morris saw a text message from another man on her mobile phone and armed himself with a knife.
She received cuts to her hand and arm, said Mr Maunder, and Morris also threatened to cut her up and pour hot oil over her.
Morris admitted two charges of obtaining property by deception, five charges of failing to surrender to bail and single charges of possessing a class C drug, handling stolen goods, witness intimidation, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and taking a vehicle without consent.
Help me with the math here can you?
129 previous + two charges of obtaining property by deception + five charges of failing to surrender to bail + 1 charge of possessing a class C drug + handling stolen goods + witness intimidation + assault occasioning actual bodily harm + taking a vehicle without consent = 15 months?

i always thought that both sides of the equation had to balance in some way?